Friday, December 15, 2006

Forget Your New Year's Resolutions and Get Happy.

Think about all the resolutions you've made at this time of year and how many have come true. If you're like most people, you've abandoned most of those goals by the end of January. I propose a different approach.

Instead of writing down all the things you want to finally accomplish this year--doubling your revenue, losing those last 20 pounds and learning a new skill--put that energy into writing a "Happy List." Writing down what really makes you happy reminds you to do more of those things. Sharing it with others helps them support your happiness while you support theirs. The happier you are, the higher your vibrations will be, and that leads to attracting people and circumstances that vibrate at that same high, positive level. We know this as the Law of Attraction.

As cartoonist Charles Schulz, the creator of Peanuts, once observed, "Happiness is a warm puppy." What's your warm puppy? Working with ideal clients, an organized office, spending time with a special friend, a clean car, stargazing, reading a novel, listening to your favorite music, playing at the beach, singing in a choir, meeting with other enlightened business people, mastering new technology? Write them all down and pick a few each week to enjoy.

And, before you know it, those goals you've been struggling to achieve for so many years--the ones that you really wanted and were for your highest good--will manifest on their own. Happy New Year!

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