Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The downside of high tech

Technology can be just as much a hindrance as a help in business today. With information of any kind available at the touch of a button, we sometimes forget to take the time to get quiet and go within for guidance. We are less patient and our expectations for quick solutions are higher than ever before. Some of us are expected to be accessible 24/7 and that is taking a toll.

How is technology affecting you and what are you doing to cope with it? I await your wisdom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tricia - can I take the other side? The slogan is "60 is the new 40" - well, that's only true if the 60 year old can use the 40 year old's toys. If we don't learn to switch from print to web; from ezines to interactive blogs (as you have); from answering machines to text messaging - we won't keep up.

That doesn't mean we have to be accessible 24/7. It means we have to show enough SELF respect to give our attention to one thing at a time, recognizing that texting while at lunch with business associates doesn't show them how important we are - it identifies how little we value them.

This is nothing new! Social etiquette has been taught since before Victorian times. It has always been the person, with whatever technology (or lack thereof), who values and cares for self, that achieves great things.

Technology overload isn't the issue. Lack of self value is.


(P.S. - I value you.)